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Hugo provides a new command to create a post, as a example for creating a new career page is hugo new career/, it will create a post.

Configure Post

You can configure your career from the front-matter. Front-matter starts with --- and end with also --- . In this front matter you can give description = meta description, image = images/career/logo.jpg, bgImage = image.jpg( background image is for page header), JobDetails is a loop, you can add more item with this loop. And apply is for apply url.

When you created a new post, the draft default value is true, and when the draft is true your post will not show, you need to change it for showing this post. like draft = false. Then your post will show in blog page.

After closing front matter give your post content, remember that every file that has an .md extension, are supports markdown.

Improve this page on Github  — Last updated:  Tue, Dec 29, 2020