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Theme Installation


You need to fulfill some prerequisites to configure your machine, before starting the development process of your static site via Hugo.

If you’re using macOS, then Homebrew is the easiest way to install the prerequisites. Check out this guide to install Homebrew on your machine.

  1. Install Hugo
  2. Install Go
  3. Install Nodejs

Install Hugo

Install Hugo with the following command on your Terminal according to your operating system.

winget install -e --id Hugo.Hugo.Extended

If you successfully installed Hugo, then you can check the version with the following command.

hugo version
brew install hugo

If you successfully installed Hugo, then you can check the version with the following command.

hugo version

Please follow the official documentation to install Hugo on Linux.

If you successfully installed Hugo, then you can check the version with the following command.

hugo version


Go to the official site to Download and Install Hugo Extended.

Install Go

Install Go with the following command on your Terminal according to your operating system.

winget install -e --id GoLang.Go

If you successfully installed Go, then you can check the version with the following command.

go version
brew install go

If you successfully installed Go, then you can check the version with the following command.

go version

Please follow the official documentation to install Go on Linux.

If you successfully installed Go, then you can check the version with the following command.

go version


Go to the official site to Download and Install Go.

Install Nodejs

Install Nodejs with the following command on your Terminal according to your operating system.

winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS

If you successfully installed Nodejs, then you can check the version with the following command.

node -v
brew install node@18

If you successfully installed Nodejs, then you can check the version with the following command.

node -v

Please follow the official documentation to install Nodejs on Linux.

If you successfully installed Nodejs, then you can check the version with the following command.

node -v


Go to the official site to Download and Install Nodejs.

After installing all the prerequisites, maybe you need to restart your machine to take effect.

Setup Your Project

  1. Unzip the downloaded file, and you will find the northendlab-hugo folder inside the themes directory. This folder contains your main theme, which you will be working with.

    📂 northendlab-hugo/ (Unzipped Folder)
    ├── 📁 themes/
    |     |
    |     └── 📂 northendlab-hugo/ (Main Theme)
    ├── 📄 changelog.html
    ├── 📄 documentation.html
    └── 📄 license.html
  2. Launch the Terminal on the specific directory where you prefer to save your project.

  3. Use the following command to create a new site. It will add a folder with your given PROJECT NAME.

    hugo new site my-project
  4. Delete the hugo.toml file from the my-project folder.

  5. Copy the Main Theme into the my-project/themes folder. Resulting in a folder structure like my-project/themes/northendlab-hugo/


  6. Copy all files from the my-project/themes/northendlab-hugo/exampleSite folder into the root folder (my-project/). This action will overwrite any existing files and folders. You can delete the exampleSite folder afterwards.


  7. Additionally, copy the package.json file from my-project/themes/northendlab-hugo to the root folder (my-project). If your theme doesn’t have a package.json file, you can proceed to the next step.

Run Your Project

  1. Open the terminal on the my-project/ folder.
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies. If you don’t have a package.json file, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. Then, run npm run dev to serve this theme on your localhost. If you don’t have a package.json file, run hugo server instead.
  4. After successfully serving the theme, you will receive a localhost address. Open this address in your browser to see the theme.

If your website doesn’t serve on your localhost, then check the theme name is correct in config/_default/config.toml file. Then follow the step 3 again.

Build Your Project

After completing your development process, you can build your project for production. To build your project, run npm run dev. If you don’t have a package.json file, run hugo instead.

Improve this page on Github  — Last updated:  Tue, Jul 11, 2023